The week of getting half-done projects to 3/4th done continues.
Twitter Breakcore

I created this back in September, when I was taking my Max/MSP classes at RobotSpeak. I decided to try layering twitter public timeline messages run through text-to-speech over fairly simple looped break samples, because noise + noise = noise.
Unfortunately, either Py/Ext or flite~ is causing Max/MSP to crash about 20-30 minutes in, regularly, so having a full time stream running is a bit of an issue right now. However, I made a small 2.5 minute track.
"actively gnawing on some guy's head" (MP3, 2:20)
systems over single channel, IP
Have fun and be safe. Happy New Year to you too. xx
Bob Sinclar Ft Steve Edwards - World Hold On (David Guetta And Joachim Garraud Remix)
Night Night everyone!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
comiendo pizza con cerveza de tercio..... perfect
, do you ever get to see the wildlife?
the internet by design is a communications platform. the goal is to put old communications systems over single channel, IP
Back from dinner. Answering a few emails then watching Helvetica.
Christmas Cheer? MST3k Santa #521 on Google Video
mmmmm..... Ribs :). Lol
Back in Columbus. Found 5 dead roaches in my apartment. Bleh.
no run. GB Hogg to SC Ganguly, no run, fuller and on the off, driven hard but straight to cover
no run. MG Johnson to SR Tendulkar, no run, full and outside the off, left alone, this one doesn't bounce too much and scoots along to t ...
Spacetime Continuum - Kairo (Carl Craig Mix)
Helpful Tip: Don't let your brother-in-law take you to "I Am Legend."
Rosie - Another Rosie Christmas
Baby break dancing!
when am i coming by for pie again?
contestando mails de laburo :(
I love spark people ! Haha. Going to sleep soon.
Went to Kohl's tonight... I don't even know why I bother with that place.
Borre bastantes twiteros ke no twiteaban como hace 1 o 2 meses!...
congratulations on your laptop!
is it just me or does firefox seem to get less and less stable with every patch?
In San Jose, Ca
queda una no tan larga noche por delante.
"Arguments with furniture are rarely productive."
To be fair, it was actively gnawing on some guy's head when they shot it.
i'm in ur eharmonies, communicatin' wif ur matches.